Jaap Draaisma

Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken
Riders on the Storm
Interview with Beatrice on 2021 October 14th in Soundgarden
By Jaap Draaisma and Giovanni Rossetti
Inquire into the position of riders in Amsterdam;
Attraction of the work and the city;
Working conditions and living conditions.
Central question: Do you (wan/ can) stay or do you go? (the (im-) possibility to stay in Amsterdam)
What to do for a better position and ways to stay
Beatrice is coming from Messina, South of Italy.
She is 18 years old
Just finished high school
She is in Amsterdam since August 4th, so for 2 months now
She came here for holidays and stayed; started to work as a rider
She came to Amsterdam, because here are more possibilities; the culture; the way of life; the kind and smiley people; freedom; an atmosphere of being welcome.
One of her parents is of Dutch origin.
She also came to Amsterdam, because her sister lives here already for 3 years
She stays at her sister’s on the bench.
Her sister lives in the Bijlmer in a normal house, rented with 3 people on a normal rent contract with a private owner. The contract is until December.
Beatrice started working as a rider for Deliveroo since 2 weeks.
She will get a BSN-number within a week. Now she works on the account of someone else. As soon as she has the BSN-number she will work on her own name; will get entrance to the FB and app of Deliveroo herself.
At Deliveroo she has no insurance.
She feels pushed and stressed by her work a little bit.
She stops for every red light.
Driving fast is not normal in her vision
She likes the Amsterdam streets, most other cyclists are gently, smiley and relaxed.
Some are crazy, have no respect, cut streets and are aggressive.
Until now she does not have contact with other riders.
She does not know about the idea of forming a collective of riders.
She will continue working as a meal rider; does not want to become a supermarket rider. She wants to stay in Amsterdam and do a media or communication study.
Wants to stay in Amsterdam at least a few years or maybe forever.